
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jitters / lack of self-confidence before the examination

During the schooling of my children, my opinion was that only the students who are not well prepared for an exam have jitters. Though, I did not rule out a small dose of excitement, which, in my opinion, could be stimulating. That’s why I just followed their course of learning, the atmosphere in the house was always relaxed, and just before the exam I would say to my children:
“Just concentrate on the task, slowly, no hurry, You can do what you done. Mom loves you with both good and bad results. “
As they often participated in school competitions, each in their own field, I am would ad:
"It is a great success that you came to this level, there is no reason to to be disturbed“
I would always repeat the same words, because I really thought so, and later they would with me, later. On leaving, they would begin on their own:
"Mom loves me ...."
Later, when I started teaching, I realized that well-learned material is important to reduce the fear of exams, but for some children that is not enough and that there are many factors that influence the over-anxiousness or lack of self-confidence. Children often have a fear of betraying the expectations of their parents, which are sometimes unrealistic.
Source: Blic online

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The role of parents in child development

How many times have you heard the sentence:
My child is very immature for his age!
My child has no interests!
By saying these sentences, parents do not talk about their child, what they are saying is that they did not do their work right.
Intelligence is only one factor of children’s success at school and, later on, in life. It is necessary to develop certain character traits of the child, so that the intellect would fully come to the fore. Parents are building the foundation on which will depend the child’s self-confidence, independence and desire for research and learning.
The most important features that the child needs to develop are the sense of responsibility, sense of self-confidence and independence.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My child swears!

Every child experiment withs curses and ugly words. Profanity is often heard on the streets, on television, in our environment. It is a part of language and folklore of every nation, and has its rightful place but the children do not know when it is appropriate to curse and therefore we must try to make children understand that curses are not nice words.
Be ready to have the biggest problem with your surroundings (family, friends ...), who will find it funny and interesting when the children say bad words, and maybe they will encourage or even teach them new bad words. On the other hand, it is very interesting for children  to be in the focus of attention while swearing.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My child is lying!

   In this article, I will not write about the early childhood, when children wildly imaginative make up events. These are not true lies, though you should talk with your children and try to bring them to the reality.
  I am going to write about the lies of school children whose are usually either silent or lie about grades and disciplinary violations at school.
  I used to hide the lower grades from my parents (otherwise I was an excellent pupil), and when they would ask specifically, I lied. The reasons for this were too sharp punishments, both physical and psychological. It is terrible when a mother does not speak with her child because of grades lower than expected. So I would buy the time, sometimes I improved the assessment before the lie was uncovered.
  I have been teaching for quite some time and I found that many children lie to avoid disappointing their parents who have unrealistic expectations, compared to the real possibilities.