
Saturday, January 28, 2012

There are only benefits of inclusion, there is not any negative effect !

What is Inclusion?
Inclusion is part of a much larger picture then just placement in the regular class within school. It is being included in life and participating using one's abilities in day to day activities as a member of the community.
It is being a part of what everyone else is, and being welcomed and embraced as a member who belongs. Inclusion can occur in schools, churches, play- grounds, work and in recreation.

Monday, January 23, 2012

If you are a victim of elderly parents who always abused you

Domestic violence, both physical and psychological been given more visibility, especially violence against women, children and the elderly. Violence against the elderly is widely discussed, there are a number of institutions and organizations where the elderly can get help. Very little is being said about psychological violence against family members of the elderly parents. If you are a victim of such violence, you will find help quite difficult, although this type of harassment can harm your health and destroy your family.
I tried to find articles on this topic on the internet and, after a long search, I found a very small number of posts.
This article deals with the theme of violent elderly parents, so I'll pass it completely.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Putting money in its right place

Is money the purpose behind the choices you make and the values you live by? If so, beware! Money is a good servant but a poor master. Money should be the consequence of how you live your life and not the cause of it.
When Jesus Christ was within a hair's breadth of enlightenment, Satan led him to a mountaintop and offered him dominion over the glittering cities spread below. On the night of the Buddha's enlightenment, Mara offered him the same temptations. Both refused and were enlightened.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Should I Learn - How to Learn ?

Have you ever read an informative book, only to later remember just a few main points — if anything at all? The problem might be that you’re using one of the least efficient ways of learning available.
The Cone of Learning
I remember back about 7 years ago when I was taking music lessons at school, there was a poster on the wall that really grabbed my attention. To be fair, it wasn’t difficult for a random object to attract your gaze as our Scottish teacher at the time didn’t have much in the way of keeping you interested. The poster outlined the different ways that we remember things and how different activities increase our chances of remembering something over others.