
Saturday, October 27, 2012

What does „ S-T-U-D-Y“ really mean?

Let's look at the dictionary, first!

1. (n.)application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection.
2.the acquisition of knowledge or skill in a particular branch of learning, science, or art: the study of law.
3.Often, studies. a student's work at school or college: to pursue one's studies.
4.something studied or to be studied.
5.a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject, phenomenon, etc.
6.a written account of such an investigation.
7.a well-defined, organized branch of learning or knowledge.
8.zealous endeavor or assiduous effort.
9.the object of such endeavor or effort.
10.deep thought; reverie.
11.a room set apart for private study, reading, writing, or the like.

Category: Education
1.      (v.t.)to apply oneself to acquiring a knowledge of (a subject).
2.      to examine or investigate carefully and in detail.
3.      to observe attentively; scrutinize: to study a person's face.
4.      to read carefully or intently.
5.      to endeavor to learn or memorize, as a part in a play.

 In college, the word “study” includes many activities essential to good grades. Unfortunately, many students do not know what to do beyond rereading and cramming when studying for college level classes.
Below is a list of important activities for college level study. Some must be done on a regular basis while others are done once or twice per semester. It is important to understand that there are many tasks that must be accomplished to do the job of leaning properly in college.

1. Set up a study schedule that includes a minimum of 2 hours of studying for every hour that you are in the classroom.
2. Rewrite lecture notes as soon as after class as possible.
3. Read text assignments and build notes beginning from the 1st lecture or textbook.
4. Quiz yourself over and over from notes on a regular basis a soon as possible.
5. Self-test on a regular basis. Discover what you know and what you don’t know before you take a test when you can still do something about it. Do not wait until you get a test back to find out what you have and have not learned. Discover how many times you have to self-test in order to recall all of the details from memory by looking only at the main ideas.
6. Form study groups. Compare notes, form potential test questions and answers, quiz each other.
7. Do homework.
8. Work on assignment project. (Individual and group).
9. Attend M*A*S*H and Tutor sessions.
10. Research for and write papers and essays. Start early and do a little bit each day.
11. Work with the Academic advising and Resource center to develop good time management skills.
12. See professors during their office hours.

The Pyramid of Learning Efficient Learning

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