
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Parents need to know what's going on at school

Parent involvement in the education system, more specifically in your own child’s education is extremely important. Not only does it show the teacher that you are willing to help and do what it takes to help your child succeed, it also shows the child that you love them enough to take the time to be involved in an important and very big part of their daily life. There are many reasons for why you need to know how your child’s doing in school:
1.How they do in school can affect their behavior in other aspects of their life
2.Sometimes teachers are aware and catch things that parents might miss
3.Helping them at home is directly related to how what they do during the day
4.It shows your child that you care about what they’re doing
Let’s take a deeper look at these few important reasons for knowing how your child’s doing in school.
1.How they do in school can affect their behavior in other aspects of their life. Have you ever noticed that when your child has a bad day at school it usually carries home with them and generally takes some serious coaxing to snap them out of it? A child’s success or failure (more specifically failure) in the classroom can affect a child’s physical and emotional behavior. If as a parent you are unaware of slipping grades or lunch bullies you will not understand how to address the problem when they come home. It is crucial to know how your child’s doing in school so that you can properly address concerns when they come home.
2.Sometimes teachers are aware and catch things that parents might miss. This is why it’s so important to keep the lines of communication open with teachers as you strive to be involved with what’s happening at school. Since teachers spend most of the day with children they might be able to offer some helpful insight into why a child is acting up when they come home, or why they don’t want to stay and eat lunch at school, or why they hate reading. If you are actively involved in what’s happening at school the teacher will feel much more comfortable about addressing problems and concerns. While no teacher will claim to know a parents child better than they do, they will lay claim to seeing their behavior most of the day and can offer guidance in finding solutions to problems.
3.Helping your child at home is directly related to how and what they’re doing at school. Think about this, if a child brings home an assignment but you have neglected to show interest in what they’re doing in school, will you be able to offer much help with that assignment? Probably not. If you want to help your children and be involved with them by offering assistance with homework and other such assignments then you absolutely have to know what and how your child is doing in school. They along with the teachers expect and depend on you to help the complete assignments and turn them in on time. This teaches them responsibility. If you’re not taking the time to know how they’re doing in school, then you’re missing a big part of their life.
4.It shows your child that you care about what they’re doing. This is without a doubt the most important reason for knowing how your child’s doing in school. It gives them a sense of responsibility to someone and tells them that someone cares whether they fail or succeed. It shows them you love them. And even your involvement may not always be welcomed, it will be appreciated and some day they’ll thank you for it.
These are only a few reasons why you need to know how your child’s doing in school and is just the tip of the ice berg. Parent involvement is crucial to a child’s successful education.
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