Did you ever 'bribe' your child when he couldn't
finish his meal with a promise of a caddy to get him to finish his meal? Don't
you agree a child should be taught to understand finishing his meal is to help
them grow up healthily? Therefore, it is their 'duty' to do their job and
should not be rewarded. Or, did you reward your child when he achieves better
results on his report card? Don't you think that's their 'duty' too? While you
may choose to reward your child for high marks, have you ever used it to reward
progress, particularly for those children who have difficulty achieving
"A"s and "B"s ? We all agree we need to reward our
children. However, the extent and the forms of reward are a tricky question.
Reward is a quick-fix solution. It offers instant and safe gratification and is sure to please and satisfy. The returns of reward are certainly quick but are they effective in the child's psychological development? Buying things for children does not teach them values. Even materially rewarding positive behavior is a limited motivating force.
Reward is a quick-fix solution. It offers instant and safe gratification and is sure to please and satisfy. The returns of reward are certainly quick but are they effective in the child's psychological development? Buying things for children does not teach them values. Even materially rewarding positive behavior is a limited motivating force.
Enclosure links:
My child: Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
My child: The importance of volunteering in the development of children
My child: Stubborn child
My child: Everyone can learn mathematics!My child: Why Math is Important?